Friday, May 29, 2009

Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.

Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.

This is a very worthwhile post to read, and watch the video, Google Wave has huge potential, and it is amazing what they have accomplished in a short period of time.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Review Of YouTube Secret Weapon

Conversions from YouTube Exceed Google Search by 296%

I thought it would be easier to discuss it in a video (imagine that), so I created one and placed it below.

Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback below, or on the YouTube Channel.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why a Pay per Click Campaign is Your Biggest Contest as a Copywriter

Pay per Click (PPC) campaigns is a great and easy way to drive new leads to your website. However, what many users don’t realize is that these little ads are part of a competitive part of the internet world. The good news is, that with proper PPC tracking, as well as a few commonsense hints, PPC search engine placement will provide your potential customers with the ads that you want them to see. These tips will help you get the most out of your PPC campaign management strategy.

A Strong Headline Can Catch Your Next Customer

Just like a newspaper headline or a catchy television commercial, often the headline is the best way to hook a potential client. This all important part of a PPC campaign management plan should engage the reader’s attention. It should make the viewer sit up and take notice, and be relatable to what the person is interested in. In fact, a good headline is essential to both proper PPC search engine placement and effective PPC tracking. Above all, though, an effective headline should make the reader want to know more.

Keep Their Attention with a Great Sub-Heading

As soon as your PPC campaign has grabbed the potential client’s attention with a quality headline, your job as a copy writer is just beginning. The subhead needs to offer yet another morsel, another small piece of information. Often a subtle call to action, or a promise of questions answered can be a great way to hold the attention of your potential client. This often overlooked trick is also a great way to maximize the effectiveness of the PPC search engine placement of your advertisements.

A Relevant Domain Name Means More Potential Clients

If you’re dealing with Google Adwords, you know that they require that the domain name displayed in these pay per click advertisements must be the landing page of the company, and not take the reader to another page. It might not be the same with other popular ad networks, but having a solid and easy to understand domain name is a great policy no matter what. It’s a great way to not only brand your domain name, and make the most of the few moments of attention given by your potential client.

A Better Advertisement Means a Lower Cost for You

In most cases, the more you spend, the higher your position is with your PPC campaign. However, the better the advertisement, the better their performance and their placement will rise without spending much money at all. The PPC tracking provided by the search engines can be a great way to determine if your copy is making the cut. This can be a great motivator to write a great ad.

Remember, your next PPC campaign is most likely a contest with other copywriters. Your headlines should strive to catch the attention of the reader, and the sub headlines should hold their attention and convince them that a simple click is in their best interest. Finally, an intriguing domain name is a great way to convince a reader that your product or your service is the best for them. Knowing how to make the most of your PPC campaign management strategy is essential to making that first customer contact.

image credits to Davichi

Monday, April 20, 2009

Affiliate Marketing: PayDotCom vs. ClickBank

The decision to employ an affiliate marketing strategy should not be taken lightly. As the stability of the economy remains increasingly unpredictable, many of those trying to find legitimate ways to make money online are adding affiliate marketing strategies to their online marketing plans. As a starting point, examine these affiliate marketing tips for PayDotCom and ClickBank and see if affiliate marketing is for you.

PayDotCom. As a relative newcomer to affiliate marketing programs, PayDotCom has made some improvements over the offerings of ClickBank that may appeal to both seasoned and green affiliate marketers alike. Here are some affiliate marketing tips that offer a sampling of what to expect from PayDotCom:

  • Instant payment. Among the products available in the PayDotCom Marketplace, many have an instant payment option. Examine the availability of products that offer instant payment from each sale.

  • Choice of product. The PayDotCom Marketplace is the affiliate marketers’ superstore. Similar to its competitors, PayDotCom allows you to search its categories and subcategories for the affiliate product that best suits your customers’ needs. Here are a couple of PayDotCom product highlights:

    • Physical and digital. Unlike its competitors, PayDotCom offers the choice of both physical and digital affiliate products for affiliate marketing.

    • Stat tracking. Using promotion tools, you can track the stats of any and all of your affiliate products.

  • Blog Widget. As a registered affiliate, you are provided a PayDotCom widget you add to your affiliate marketing blog. Each time your customers click through your PayDotCom link within your affiliate marketing blog and make a purchase, you earn a commission.

Signing up with PayDotCom is free and simple. As an affiliate, you have the earning potential of up to 80% with PayDotCom sales commissions.

ClickBank. With a longer online history, ClickBank has created a larger affiliate base than its competitors. Check out these ClickBank affiliate marketing tips before finalizing your decision:

  • Recurring billing. For those products that become long-term money makers for affiliates, ClickBank uses some affiliate-friendly practices to maximize profits.

    • No monthly fees. Neither initial nor monthly fees are imposed on affiliates.

    • Guaranteed payment. Every sale is accounted for and payment is guaranteed.

  • Digital products. Explore the ClickBank Marketplace for products with which you wish to target with your affiliate marketing strategy. Choose your category and your subcategory, sort the results based on popularity, gravity, profit, or more, and you are on your way to success as an affiliate marketer.

  • Customer first. Conducting business online does not exempt you from a customer-first mentality. ClickBank provides opportunities to put the customer first and improve you affiliate marketing strategy results.

    • Lower initial price. Attract your customers with an introductory price. You may increase subsequent pricing for recurring billing.

    • Trial period. Offer your customers a maximum of 31 days to sample your product before rebilling occurs.

Whether you choose to sign up with PayDotCom or ClickBank depends upon you specific needs as an affiliate marketer. Regardless of your choice of program, it would behoove you to create and maintain an affiliate marketing blog to direct traffic to your affiliate product.

image credits to the half-blood prince

Monday, April 13, 2009

Internet Video Marketing Tips- How Youtube Subscriptions can be Marketing Gold

If you’re looking for a great way to get your marketing message across, take a long look at YouTube. This Internet video marketing tool has quickly become one of the most successful ways that you can bring more clients to your website. One of the best Internet video tips that you should take advantage of is the idea of encouraging Youtube subscriptions.

Internet Video Marketing Tips- The Pros and Cons of YouTube

As the explosion of online videos has spread, Youtube has ridden the wave with new features and easy use for both the publisher and viewer. One of these features is the subscription feature, which allows a viewer to be notified when their favorite publisher or producer has uploaded a new video. As a producer or publisher, you can use this easy video marketing tool as a way to get information about your new products and services out to the world.

Subscribing for Viewers

Once a viewer subscribes to a Youtube channel, they will get updates automatically whenever their favorite channel has a new video uploaded. This is important, because the subscribers to your Youtube channel will be able to get up to date information about what you can offer and how your company is changing.

Another great advantage to both the viewer and the producers is the interaction that can be created through Internet marketing videos. The subscriptions can be a great way for the subscribers to bring feedback and comments directly to you. What’s more, the more comments and feedback you have, the greater the likelihood of traffic being driven to both your YouTube channel and your website.

Subscribing as a Tool for the Producer

Just as your viewers can get up to the minute information about your products and services through subscriptions to your Youtube channel, this Internet video marketing tip can be a great asset to you as a producer. Whenever you upload new material, your subscribers will automatically be notified. And as your subscribers comment and talk about your features, they’re likely to encourage more visitors, and more potential clients to visit both your Youtube channel and your website. Of course, it should be remembered that the notifications aren’t always instantaneous. So, if your material is of a time sensitive manner, alternative notification systems might be warranted.

Marketing is Nothing without Content

One of the most important internet video marketing tips that nearly everyone underestimates is the idea that content is king. Your Youtube video doesn’t need to be sparkly or bear the mark of a big name Hollywood director. The most important thing is to make sure your content is not only friendly and approachable, but also easy to understand. It should encourage your current clients to not only talk about you with their friends, but also be a window inviting them to view your website.

Remember, the Internet can be one of the most versatile marketing tools available to a businessperson today. Youtube not only allows you to interact with your clients, it encourages a two way street of communication where anyone, past and future clients can become acquainted with your products.

image credits to Haerektik

Monday, April 6, 2009

Social Marketing Strategies: How Much of Your Public Profile Is Social and How Much Is Marketing?

All social networking sites have one thing in common: they all have a public profile for users to complete and share with other users. As a search engine marketing strategy, the more public profiles you complete the greater your chances of appearing in search engine results. As a social marketing strategy, what seems like simple social networking can be a serious social marketing plan.

Who, What, Where? Depending upon the social networking site, there are various amounts of information requested for a public profile. Those with a business twist, such as LinkedIn, focus on your professional side while those that are less formal approach, such as Facebook, prefer to include personal items like favorite quotes. Expect to find these common fields in your public profiles:

  • Name. As an online marketer, it is recommended that you use your full name as part of both your social marketing strategy and your search engine marketing strategy. Here are 2 reasons why:

    • Hide and seek. Your followers and friends can more easily find you in a search. If your name is simply “John S.” you will be virtually impossible to find.

    • For real. Your credibility is improved if you do not appear to be concealing your identity. Hiding behind a screen name or a first name only does not always look to be on the up and up.

  • Geographic region. Part of your social marketing strategy should reveal your whereabouts. Customers are often more comfortable networking with those of similar geographic and demographic backgrounds.

  • Employer/field. Including your employer or professional field can provide a boost to your search engine optimization strategy. For every public profile that asks for your professional information, the search engines return your profile results.

  • Web site. Having a web site is a must as part of your search engine marketing strategy. Including your web address in your public profiles gives you that many more opportunities to employ your social marketing strategy as you increase your audience reach.

  • Education. For those potential customers who are not yet familiar with your expertise, your education history is a vital statistic that enhances your social marketing strategy. By promoting your connection with your alma mater, your search engine search results have a greater likelihood of improving and increasing.

The information you provide in each of your social networking profiles becomes a possible result for search engines. By following common search engine optimization tips with your social networking profiles, you can maximize your personal search engine results.

As you join the multitude of social networking sites and fill out your public profiles, take into account your search engine marketing strategy and possible results returned. In addition, the fields you complete have a direct impact on your social marketing strategy by meeting the various criteria for memberships in relative social networking groups.

image credits to luc legay

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Your Twitter Profile Does for Your Social Content Syndication

Regardless of your reasons for using Twitter for business, your Twitter profile is of utmost importance as a component of your overall Twitter marketing strategy. Your success through your Twitter marketing strategy may be measured by how well your social content syndication efforts meet their expectations.

Who are you? There are two means of identifying yourself that must be both carefully thought out and included in your Twitter profile to boost your social content syndication efforts:

  • Full name. Your name is the most important profile feature when using Twitter for social content syndication. It is your real name that is searchable by those who may not know your Twitter username.

  • Username. Your Twitter username should be an indicator of who you are and what you do. In 15 characters or less, your username should help your followers know your area of expertise, e.g. Iselltshirts (only if you sell t-shirts, of course).

Your name is your connection to the social marketing world. Make sure you take every step so anyone searching for you is able to find you, and follow you with ease.

More Info URL. Using Twitter for business is a practical move for syndicating your social content. However, you must take advantage of the URL field of your Twitter profile to make certain your social content makes its rounds. Use one of these addresses in your URL profile field:

  • Homepage. Naturally, you want to direct Twitter traffic to your homepage to spread your message in greater detail. Once your followers reach your site, you can promote your special offers and reveal your latest developments.

  • Blog. Redirecting traffic to your regular blog can extend the reach of your content and increase your audience.

Your homepage or blog is an extension of your professional self. Make sure your address is entered correctly by clicking on the link once it is posted to your Twitter home page.

One Line Bio. Here is where you can get creative. In 160 characters or less, you can give your followers a glimpse into your personality and your profession. Here are some suggestions about what to include in your one line bio:

  • Personal background. Let your followers know where you are from and how you got to where you are. Maybe share your education or previous employment history as a brief overview into how you got where you are today.

  • Professional objective. You may choose to be specific or general with how you present yourself as a professional marketer. Regardless of the path you take, avoid any text that is misleading or exaggerated.

Using Twitter for business is a user-friendly way to syndicate your social content without alienating your potential customers. With the limited space of 140 characters, your message must be genuine and appealing enough to generate a respectable following.

image credits to Peter Martin Photo

Monday, March 23, 2009

Must-have Elements for Your Internet Marketing Videos

Internet video marketing tips abound when discussing how to make your video marketing strategy worthwhile. With YouTube leading the pack as a host for Internet marketing videos, your social marketing strategy must include certain elements to appeal to the broad video audience.

Viewer Benefits. Regardless of what the content of your video may be, there must be some kind of benefit for the viewer if you expect to convert video browsers into buyers.

  • What do have to offer? Neither exceptional graphics nor Nobel-quality composition will result in success for your video marketing strategy. What your video must contain is a specific benefit for your viewers.

  • How can your viewers get it? You have hooked your viewers with your titles and descriptions. Your Internet marketing videos piqued their interest and now, they want what you have. Use your video marketing strategy to lead your YouTube audience to your site for fulfilling your marketing promises.

The purpose of your social marketing strategy is to generate sales. The conversion from your Internet marketing videos comes from a specific viewer benefit revealed within 5 minutes or less.

Location, location, location. As on online marketer, you want to attract potential customers to your personal home page. Here are some Internet video marketing tips for using a video marketing strategy to generate sales:

  • Site address. Be sure your personal URL is included in your Internet marketing videos. Placement at the beginning of your video is a must since not every viewer will follow your message to the end.

  • Sight and sound. Take advantage of the medium and combine both video and audio prompts for promoting your home page. The more senses involved in the receipt of your message the more likely the message will hit home (page) with your audience.

Taking your social marketing strategy to YouTube is an easy video marketing step toward generating sales. Increase the possibility of conversion by providing your URL in each of your Internet marketing videos.

Call to Action. The attraction and retention of viewers’ interest are just the beginning to reaching your social marketing strategy goals. These Internet video marketing tips can help you make the sale close the deal.

  • Indirect. With your Internet marketing videos’ content you have presented indirect calls to action to viewers. Viewers have been asked to stick around and listen to what you have to say and what you have to offer them.

  • Direct. Get specific with your direct calls to action. Include:

    • what you want them to do (“Find out how you can ….”)

    • what they will receive in return (“Get your free ebook….”)

    • where to go to follow through (“Visit”)

The basic elements presented here are necessary for a successful video marketing strategy. Your potential customers must know how they can benefit, where they can find you, and how they can follow through to complete the conversion.

image credits to sous les paves

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Butterfly Marketing 2.0: A Free Offer for a Limited Time

butterfly-marketing-reviewFor only a few hours, starting on March 24, 2009, at 1pm, EST, membership to the well known powerhouse Butterfly Marketing 2.0 is free . Once you know the history of this groundbreaking product, including how it goes beyond normal membership tracking software, and what the newest version has to offer, you’ll want to be the first in line, since a there is a limited availability of only 5000 copies.

The Story Behind the Marketing Legend

In 2006, Mike Filsaime launched his Butterfly Marketing 1.0 for $997. Today it sells for $1997. This groundbreaking membership tracking software managed to automate some of the most fundamental marketing tactics, including landing page techniques, the help desk, the One Time Offer, and even an integrated affiliate programs designed specifically for customers. The strategies presented were easy to implement.

Unlike many of the other membership tracking software programs on the market today, this one is written with a marketing program in mind. In fact, quite a number of Mr. Filsaime’s fans can tell of the marketing success stories that were created by using this software. Once you take the first step and register for this software marketing program, you’ll be able to see videos of these stories on his blog after registering.

Is It Really Free Membership Software?

There are a number of new features that are introduced in the free membership database software. These include an improved Risk Free Trial model, new implementation technique for One Time Offers, easy to use One-Click up-sell technology, and even Twitter and Viral Inviter integration tools. These features make using this software not only easy but also allow you to use your marketing dollar more efficiently.

Of course, the idea that most likely attracted you was free membership software, especially if it is anything like the previous edition. Mr. Filsaime has updated the software, and is making it available for free for the first 5000 who place the order, but you must register first so you will be notified when the order page is available. The estimated launch time of March 24, at 1pm EST. After these sell out, all bets are off.

While the program is free, including the software CDs, and the updated manuscript, there are costs associated with shipping, and a monthly newsletter filled with the latest information in computer marketing. Shipping is approximately $30 for U.S. and Canadian residents, and international clients will spend approximately $40 to have the deal shipped to their door. When you think about everything that this software can help you accomplish, a small investment for shipping is worth it.

What to Expect

Once you place your order, and become one of the first 5000 participants, you’ll be able to access the software almost immediately. By registering today, you’ll get the specific order link so that you can be just one click away from the software program on March 24. That way, while the 5000 copies are going fast, you’ll be right there, ready to grab yours.

You’ll get the updated manuscript through a pre-launch blog provided once you register to order. While we can’t tell you if this fantastic deal will be around after March 24, you’re welcome to check out the registration page; chances are there might be something there to pique your interest.

As mentioned previously, the first 5000 participants in this event will get the marketing software for free, with your only financial obligations being the shipping, and the monthly newsletter. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to sign up for various other events, including a training session with Mr. Filsaime himself. They are great places to learn and connect with other business contacts. There is no doubt that this chance to get over $1997 worth of web based membership software is not something that any savvy businessperson can afford to pass up. Be sure to register today!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online: Doing What Others Say You Are Good at Doing

There are stories abound regarding legitimate ways to make money online. The trouble is finding out what you are good at before you can start doing it. How do you create a web marketing strategy without a starting point? Try listening to those around you to find out what you are good at doing.

Feedback. What others say about you can offer the guidance you need to find those legitimate ways to make money online that emphasize your abilities.

  • Skills. Legitimate ways to make money online do not always start with a marketing degree. Notice what others say about your proficiencies that are potentially profitable in various web marketing strategies.

  • Talents. Perhaps you have natural talent that can be incorporated into lucrative web marketing strategies. Legitimate ways to make money online can include such natural attributes as voice talent, musical inclinations, or a good photographic eye.

Listen to those around you and think of legitimate ways to make money online using the feedback they give you, whether formally or informally. Your web marketing strategy may be dependent on what others see in you.

Evaluations. Many employers take advantage of evaluations to gauge their employees’ strengths and weaknesses. Pay attention to professional assessments and include the results in your web marketing strategies.

  • Attention to detail. Being conscientious is a positive characteristic when seeking legitimate ways to make money online. Your web marketing strategy should be specific and detailed in order to guide your toward online marketing success.

  • Able to meet deadlines. Without being a slave to the clock, dependability is a plus when searching for legitimate ways to make money online. If you cannot be trusted to get the job done on time, your web marketing strategy and the skills you need to implement it are all for naught.

  • People oriented. Having a sparkling personality is just the thing for effective Web 2.0 marketing strategies. Transparency lends itself to more easily finding legitimate ways to make money online.

Constructive criticism may be able to lead you toward specific legitimate ways to make money online. Depending upon your skill set, your may tailor your Web 2.0 marketing strategy to maximize those attributes in high demand.

Observations. Come right out and ask those who know you best what they observe in both the professional and recreational setting to help identify legitimate ways to make money online that are most appropriate.

  • Passion. What do your friends and family see you at ease doing? Whatever it is, there are legitimate ways to make money online while loving what you are doing.

  • Balance. Create a web marketing strategy that balances your strengths and weaknesses as you zero in on legitimate ways to make money online.

Although legitimate ways to make money online are widespread, the challenge is matching them with what you are good at doing and a carefully crafted web marketing strategy. Listen to your fans and select legitimate ways to make money online that satisfy both you and your web marketing strategy.

image credits to Tim & Chrissie Home

Monday, March 9, 2009

PPC Campaign Management and Click Thru Rates

Pay per click (PPC) campaign management is an undertaking that requires consistent, if not constant, supervision to ensure its success. For efficient PPC tracking, you must know and understand your click thru rate (CTR). Here are a few points to consider regarding click thru rates and PPC campaign management:

Audience. More often than not, the broader the audience, the lower the click thru rates. The more varied the people who are exposed to your ad, the lower your percentages will be that they will click on it. Keep these tips at the forefront of your PPC campaign management strategies:

  • Direct aim. Define and establish a target audience to improve the chances that your click thru rate will return the results you prefer.

  • Measure for measure. Your click thru rate only measures those who respond to the ad through the ad. It does not measure those who independently reach your site through self direction or even back links.

Simply having an ad does not guarantee higher click thru rates. There are strategies behind PPC search engine placement to avoid futilely placed ads that are of interest to few.

Keywords. For a prime result in PPC search engine placement, your ad must have certain keyword characteristics that attract your target audience. Try these keyword kicks on for size:

  • Full body flavor. Include keywords in your ad body. Limiting your keywords to the title will have searchers pass you over as they differentiate among the competition.

  • Dual purpose. Your ad must include text that is appealing to the one using the keywords to get the desired result. PPC search engine placement is important, but you must also use the terminology that matches that of the actual searcher.

Including keywords is only half the battle. The keywords must be incorporated into quality content that attracts the audience and compels them to click on through to the other side.

Call To Action. PPC search engine placement is not always the key to higher click thru rates. What you tell your customers with your ad can be the deal maker or the deal breaker when it comes to PPC campaign management.

  • Liven it up. Be brief yet specific is what you want your audience to do. Include action verbs that ask them to “Sign Up,” “Try,” or “Buy” what you are offering.

  • What makes you so special? Pinpoint the reason you are better than your competition and share it with your audience. Do not expect your visitors to delve into the subtle differences among your competitors.

Keyword sharing is a given among those with PPC ad campaigns. However, the way you use keywords can be the difference in having your target audience click through or scroll past. Be clear and concise with your ads to maximize your click thru rate.

PPC tracking is a necessary evil for any pay per click campaign. By following a few simple PPC search engine placement tips and rules of thumb regarding ad content, your PPC tracking tools should reveal the positive effects of careful PPC campaign management.

image credits to dcassaa

Monday, March 2, 2009

Business Blogs and Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

As the popularity of online social networking grows, small business owners are in a position to realize the need for a Facebook marketing strategy. The integration of a Facebook marketing strategy by business owners with traditional marketing schemes is available in the form of these two specialized blogging capabilities that go beyond your basic blog posts.

Facebook Marketing Strategy 1: Simplaris™ Blogcast. Through the Simplaris™ Blogcast feature, you can implement your Facebook marketing strategy with the promotion of your blog on Facebook that includes some basic features requiring little or no effort from you the small business owner.

  • Automatic updates. As part of the Facebook platform, your blog can be automatically updated with your profile.

  • Public display. There are three options for adding SimplarisBlogcast to your Facebook account:

    • Profile. By clicking on the add-a-tab “+”, you can select ‘Blogcast’ for an addition to your existing tabs on your profile page.

    • Info. In the same format as the Profile tab addition, Blogcast may be selected from the ‘Info’ page and added to your Facebook Info page.

    • Custom. Along with ‘Photos’ and ‘Notes’, Blogcast has been given its own custom tab, making using Facebook for business easier than ever.

  • Limitations. In order for Simplaris to configure your blog to Facebook, you are required to enter its web feed rather than it web address.

Being technologically savvy is not a requirement for integrating Simplaris Blogcast into your Facebook marketing strategy. Simplarisas a viable component of your Facebook marketing strategy is an application focused more on the needs of small businesses rather than cosmetic technological features.

Facebook Marketing Strategy 2: NetworkedBlogs. A successful Facebook marketing strategy utilizes blogging through NetworkedBlogs. Included is a search option to take advantage of opportunities to connect with other bloggers with who also have created a Facebook marketing strategy to promote their similar interests.

  • Directory.

    • Topic. Whatever your topic of choice, there is a category listed for browsing. Whether you wish to follow your fellow online marketers or need to keep track of your favorite sports, there is a blog for you.

    • Popularity. If you do not know where to start, select ‘Popularity’ under the NetworkedBlog ‘Browse’ link. Based on your geographic region, the top blogs are displayed for your perusal and selection.

  • Discussion forum. NetworkedBlogs gives any user the capability of both creating and participating in discussion forums through the NetworkedBlogs home page on Facebook.

  • Facebook feature. Once a specific NetworkedBlog has been selected, you may choose to list your blog(s) on your ‘Info’ page and/or your ‘Profile’ page for others to follow your in your online social networking footsteps.

  • Limitations. NetworkedBlogs is not a blog-hosting site. It is a means of accessing blogs through Facebook to organize your blogs and blog feeds for quick and easy updates.

Formerly “Blog Networks”, NetworkedBlogs is a community of blog readers and writers who want to connect with one another and share their experiences. When developed as a part of your Facebook marketing strategy, NetworkedBlogs is a key way to take advantage of online social networking possibilities for a broader audience and higher web traffic.

image credits to yappyatwork

Monday, February 23, 2009

Email Marketing Strategy 2 Things You Must Know Of Your Subscribers

Average subscriber values (ASV) for an Internet marketing professional are those numbers that actually tell you if your email marketing strategies are working. Most often, ASV applies to email subscriber lists, but is not exclusive of other small business marketing registries.

Types of Subscribers

The value of a subscriber depends upon the direction of your campaign. There are often small business marketing plans that can only accommodate a particular niche of the whole Internet marketing population. By recognizing the value of certain target audiences, you can incorporate your search engine optimization methods to attract those groups and raise your conversion rates.

  • Demographics. Depending on your product or service, there may be a certain demographic group to which you direct your web 2.0 marketing strategy. Those who fit into the audience profile are the ones calculated into any average subscribe value (ASV).

  • Expertise. The value of your subscriber is directly related to the usefulness of your product or service. Subscribers are likely to have varying levels of knowledge. For example, subscribers considered to be experts may be web programmers or developers in search of a new browser add-on while other subscribers may be novices who need a quick how-to guide to customizing the browser toolbar.

  • Commitment. The length of relationship can affect the average subscriber value in the eyes of the small business marketing professional. Those subscribers with an established history may be more likely to be considered valuable to an online marketer; however, new subscribers reflect a potential value that cannot be ignored.

By recognizing not only the current value of established subscribers but also the future value of potential subscribers, adjustments may be made to such marketing tactics such as search engine optimization and web site design.

Types of Subscriber Value

Subscribers are valued in various ways for their contributions to your Internet marketing business. Obviously, active subscribers are those given the greatest consideration when evaluating average subscriber values (ASV) against email marketing goals. However, subscribers also have influence in other areas that give them an indirect value worthy of attention:

  • Email. Email is the primary tool when calculating your average subscriber values. Your email lists include your subscribers. Avoid discounting the email lists your subscribers have that consist of groups to whom they forward your emails.

  • Feedback. No matter how long your subscribers have been with you, they are of great value when they provide positive feedback supporting your products and services. Providing an outlet for posting opinions is a cheap and easy way to generate additional subscribers without any tedious list building.

  • Referrals. Word of mouth, or blog, is a highly valuable means of building email lists and increasing subscriber numbers. Although not necessarily measurable through conventional ASV calculations, the value of your subscriber willing to promote your product independently is priceless.

Average subscriber values (ASV) are key statistics in the development and implementation of online marketing strategies. Using email list building, search engine optimization techniques, and web site design strategies, the values of subscribers can be increased exponentially if the multiple means of active subscriber-ship are taken into consideration.

Image Credit to mikeblogs

Monday, February 16, 2009

Transparency and Truth in a Web 2.0 World… How to Build Trust

Utilizing an affiliate marketing strategy in a Web 2.0 world offers many additional opportunities for customers and potential customers. To set yourself apart as an affiliate marketer, you must establish yourself as an expert and potential customers must believe you are credible. Transparency is key to a successful affiliate marketing program. You must be careful to maintain a good reputation online using carefully thought-out strategies, but not manipulative tactics. Being open and above-board with your readers is the best way of establishing credibility. Don’t tell them; show them.

One way to illustrate your expertise and credibility as an affiliate marketer is to create and maintain a blog. Free services, such as or, offer you a space to create your own blog with little experience needed. Blogging is one of the most important steps you can take to set yourself apart from other affiliate marketers. Just be sure to set yourself apart in a positive way. is a free blogging service. It is run by Google, so if you have a Google email account (Gmail) you can use that username and password to create your blog. If not, you can click on “Create your blog” to get started. You pick your blog name, and consequently your URL. With just a few clicks, you are ready to begin posting new content to your blog. The best way to show your credibility and expertise on your affiliate program is to begin posting about your industry. Set yourself apart as the expert in your affiliate marketing program and the customers will come. You can include links to your products within your blog posts. By establishing an affiliate marketing blog to attract the attention of search engines, you will draw a following of customers. is another free blogging service and is also quite easy to set up. Similar to, you choose your blog title and the URL. In just minutes, you can begin posting original content to grow your affiliate marketing program. By adding unique content, you draw potential customers to your site through search engines. Your growth potential as an affiliate marketer is endless. Just be sure you are building a positive name for yourself because a negative reputation can spread much more quickly.

Search engines are constantly looking for fresh content so building a blog and posting original content will draw a following to your site – and to your affiliate marketing program. Remember that transparency is the key. Blogging allows you to build an actual relationship with your readers. Treat them fairly and they will become your customers. They are you greatest asset. The product you are selling may, and probably will, change over time, but your customers will stay with you and buy repeatedly – if they trust you!

image credits to galleryquantum

Monday, February 9, 2009

Social Marketing: How Google’s Friend Connect Can Impact Your FriendRank

Google’s Friend Connect is the latest marketing tool in a long line of Google greats. As with all Google gadgets, Friend Connect keeps all Google tools tied together through one account. Now, small business owners may have yet another new social marketing competitor in Google’s FriendRank. Through social networking sites like Friend Connect, Google is able to see who has the highest number of contacts, related links, backlinks, etc. Here are just a few sources of data that may influence your worth via FriendRank:

Memberships. By joining social networking sites like Friend Connect, small business owners can improve their standing with Google’s FriendRank and improve their status in the social marketing arena. Both Friend Connect and FriendRank allow subscribers to make worthwhile connections with those of similar interests to positively shape the commercial attitudes of those who participate in the social networks.

  • Quantity. Your social marketing strategy can only be successful through networks with a significant number of members. By joining those groups with a large following, you can more effectively impact the attitudes and actions of fellow members.

  • Duration. Memberships that are not well-established indicate a newness that does not bode well for an enviable position with FriendRank. Long-term memberships tell FriendRank that you have made significant contacts and are a respected member of your various communities.

  • Type. By allowing universal logins with Google, Yahoo!, AIM, and OpenID accounts, Google’s Friend Connect broadens your networking capabilities. The kind of groups you choose to join can then influence your target ad appeal according to FriendRank.

Friend Connect simplifies the process of finding and making “friends” through multiple social networking sites. FriendRank then uses information from the groups you choose to determine place specific target ads. By tracking group memberships and activities, Google’s FriendRank will try to present the most influential members with the most appropriate advertisements.

Friends. Your mother always told you that you are judged by the company you keep. Now Google FriendRank is following through with her threat. Small business marketing strategies may need some tweaking to take into account the target audience of not only the business itself but also those advertisers who are doing some targeting of their own.

  • Number. With FriendRank, it is not just quality but quantity. Limited friendships mean fewer opportunities to have a lasting effect the behaviors within relative social networks and put a good word in for various products and services. Friend Connect can help you more efficiently find those friends that will add to your social marketing strategies.

  • Frequency. How often other members choose to add you as a friend can affect how popular you are with FriendRank. Some reports show that FriendRank will even go as far as using your friends’ names in their target ads to attract your attention to the otherwise obsolete advertising banners placed of various social media pages.

Being selective when choosing social networking sites is becoming more important in the social marketing realm. Rather than joining every site you can find, your small business marketing strategy must now take into consideration which sites will give you more credibility and a higher rank among online advertisers.

Publications. “Publish or perish” has resurfaced as the motto to live by. Now it relates to the social marketing arena and those who are affiliated with various social networking sites. What you say and where you say it can give greater credence to your online presence.

  • Articles. Say what you mean and mean what you say. And say it a lot. The more relevant articles you post the greater your chances of being judged an influential member of the online social marketing community.

  • Comments. Your opinion is valuable with FriendRank. Take the time to not only join various social media sites but also contribute to them. By posting comments that will be read and passed along to other members, you can impact the placement of target ads as well as the probability of others’ following your advice.

Small business owners have been encouraged to take advantage of the social networking sites to spread the word about their products and services available. Sharing their expertise through the written word now carries more weight with those like Google’s FriendRank, who want to know who is reading, what they are reading, and where they are reading it.

Social marketing has been elevated to a whole new level. As the old saying goes, it is not what you know but who you know. By scanning the information from social media sites like Google Friend Connect, Google’s FriendRank can create target ads that will most efficiently affect the likelihood of generating business. As a small business owner, you are under the watchful eye of others to see how effective your online presence is to advertisers.

image credits to Binkiexxx

Monday, February 2, 2009

Video Marketing: The Three C’s for Small Businesses

As anyone involved in small business marketing knows, attracting and keep customers is paramount to success. The latest and greatest invention for small business entrepreneurs is establishing a video marketing strategy. Although there are many advantages to marketing with video, there are Three C’s to which you may refer when deciding whether to delve into video marketing for your small business.

C-No. 1: Cost.
The A-number 1 priority for small business marketing professionals should be the cost of advertising. With video marketing, your advantages include:

  • Competition. As a small business marketer, you are able to increase your visibility among larger, more prominent competitors. By participating in the video marketing game, you are keeping the playing field even, regardless of the size of the team.

  • Cut-backs. As the economy continues to decline, it is to your advantage to find more productive ways to spend your advertising dollar. By reducing your traditional advertising methods and increasing marketing with video you are able to remain competitive without jeopardizing your financial future.
As small business marketing plans continue to adjust to the demands of a weakened economy, video marketing continues to open doors for those small business competitors who need an innovative yet cost-effective means to get their message to the masses.

C-No. 2: Contact

Through easy video marketing, you are able to establish personal contacts more easily without the demand of one-to-one exchanges. Marketing with video can open up other avenues as they relate to your small business contacts:

  • Search engines. With video marketing, you increase your search engine results to include additional marketing strategies. A higher search engine results position results in an increase in web traffic and potential customers.

  • Links. Take advantage of the linking capabilities available through the internet. By networking with sites of similar or related content, you can expand your number of contacts exponentially.

Make every effort to develop efficient means of making and keeping contacts to both increase and maintain web traffic. Video marketing can help you connect with the broadest of contacts through search engine indexing and link building.

C-No. 3: Coverage.

Forget demographics for a moment and realize the coverage potential video marketing has for your small business. Video has a universal appeal for any audience you wish to target.

  • Local. Take advantage of the video craze and enhance your local marketing strategies with the support of marketing with video. With your knowledge of the local marketing landscape you can increase your reach and enlarge your customer base with an effective method of getting and keeping your customers’ attention.

  • Global. There are obviously certain limitations to small business marketing and a global economy. Through online video marketing, you are able to reach those customers who might otherwise never know of your existence.

Although not all of the potential customers you reach with video marketing are within earshot, they are all within virtual reach with personal messaging through video marketing.

Video marketing is an established and efficient means of connecting with any audience. With video marketing you are not confined to a specific audience; rather, you have the open field on which to play. Marketing with video opens the door to a broader target audience and increases the amount of web traffic simply through the universal appeal of the approach.

image credits to punch for lunch

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blog Marketing: Give Your Small Business a Boost with a Business Blog

The Ins and Outs of Business Blogging

Business blogs are yet another tool in the small business marketer’s informational cache. As is the case with any approach to internet marketing, blog marketing has a few ins and outs that must be addressed.

  • The ins:

    • Easy to use. Business blogs are not unlike any other weblog. With the overwhelming abundance of blogging technologies available, all you need for a successful blog is a computer, a mouse, and a complete thought.

    • Easy to produce. Small business marketers generally do not have the available funds to contract with an internet designer or software developer to promote his or her business. Blogs are the most cost-efficient way to convey a copious amount of relevant information without the investment of advertising.

    • Easy to manage. All that is required for managing a business blog is regular updating. Because you do not have to learn the lingo found in the secret world of web designers, you can quickly and easily keep your customers informed through your blog.

  • The outs:

    • Necessity of time. As is the case with any small business activity, there is a time factor involved with the maintenance of a business blog. The best way to manage your blogging time is to create a schedule of regular updates and follow it.

    • Necessity of material. What if you just do not have an update for your business blog? Try these tips when short on material:

      • Short of making something up, find relevant links and post a few comments on how they relate to what you are marketing.

      • Answer some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If they are frequently asked, they deserve a reply.

      • Post a picture or video of the week and add your own caption or comment.

    • Necessity of self. Some small business marketers may find blogging too informal or “unbusiness-like.” Quite the contrary. Through your blog, your customers can get a glimpse into the brains behind the business, making you more real and your information more meaningful.

Me, The, and FREE: What Could Be Better than FREE?

As a first-timer, a “newbie”, to the business blogging world, it is best to seek out the most user-friendly weblog publishing site. There are many from which to choose, but some are more widely used than others, making them a more likely place for searches among those searching for specific business information.

  • Great Google-y Moogly. Blogger is Google’s version of the free weblog. The greatest thing about Blogger is that it is automatically linked to other Google gadgets that you and your customers may subscribe to, such as Google Friend Connect or Google Reader.

  • The Three Ws.

    • WordPress. WordPress may be found in two forms: and is managed by the developers of WordPress created to make blogging as simple as possible without the drudgery of learning coding and other challenges of technology not embraced by the general user. is designed for the user planning to use a web host (perhaps your own domain) and has the luxury of time to invest in blog maintenance.

    • Wetpaint. Wetpaint is a source of opportunity for anyone wishing to join a broader community of information swapping. By creating your business blog through Wetpaint, you can join the mix of social networks and discussion forums and increase your web traffic and customer base.

    • Weebly. No, Weebly is not the internet product of Weebles. Weebly is a hosting service that is geared toward the simpler side of blog-and-forum sites rather than the social side. They offer the basics of design templates as well as the drag-and-drop feature for adding site content.

Business blogs are not brain surgery, but they are an essential component of the successful small business marketer. With user-friendly formats and blogger control of content, business blogs are a great low-cost alternative to expensive web site development and maintenance.

image credits to Leonie²

Monday, January 19, 2009

Video Marketing Online: Keywords Are a Key Step to More Website Traffic

Video marketing has become the number one priority in 2009 for internet marketers who are searching for an increase in website traffic. When implementing video into your online marketing strategy, it is important to remember that keywords are vital to getting more website traffic and longer website visits. Take into account these suggestions for maximizing keywords in your video marketing strategy:

Tip 1: One is the loneliest number.

  • Although the selection of keywords is crucial to generating more website traffic, do not limit yourself to just one or two general words. Brainstorm the keywords that directly relate to your site and broaden them to include synonyms and other similar terms.

  • Make your keywords specific for your targeted customers. If you really want to generate sales results, choose several appropriate keywords that will attract genuine customers rather than those who are just window shopping.

  • Use keyword combinations that give your customers more opportunities to access your site and your video. Using these "long tail keywords" as opposed to single words will multiply the number of search results returned through the search engines.

Tip 2: Variety is the spice of life.

  • Even a minimal amount of keyword research can result in more website traffic. Which keywords are “hot” and which keywords are not? Using obsolete or unfamiliar keywords will certainly not generate visitors to your site.

  • Utilize keyword research tools, such as Google’s AdWords, to find out which keywords are the most used in internet searches. Knowing how potential customers are searching can enable you to follow their patterns and increase website traffic.

  • Take advantage of commonly misspelled words. With spell check software and search engine keyword optimization, many people are not conscientious about the correct spellings of their searches.

Tip 3: Role play.

  • Approach internet marketing videos from the perspective of the customer. It is the customer you want to attract; therefore, consider why a potential customer might visit your site and list all keyword possibilities that a customer would use to search for and find you site.

  • Maximize video marketing by creating a video the customer wants to see. Combining ideal keywords with a video supports what your customer has searched for. If your keywords include coffee, coffee beans, and Starbucks, a video about English tea would not only confuse the potential customer but likely guarantee the customer would never return to your site.

  • Use video marketing to the advantage of the customer. With the right keyword selection, the customer is directed to your site for a video that offers something for his or her efforts: first glimpse at new product on the market, the opportunity for a limited time offer, etc.

The right keywords can make or break your attempts to increase website traffic to your site. No video marketing strategy is complete without thorough keyword research prior to integrating video marketing into your web site. The more research you are willing to put into keyword selection, the more website traffic you will receive in return.

image credits to Fray Bentos