Monday, November 17, 2008

Outsource Your Email or Autoresponder Service for Better Results

Email marketing is increasingly one of the toughest marketing techniques to get right, but when executed well is still a hands down leader in effectiveness. The key to that direct email marketing success is execution--reliable email delivery and credibility. For these key components to a successful email marketing strategy I go straight to a reputable email or autoresponder service provider.

You can attempt to reliably deliver email messages and avoid spam filters on your own. However, it is a short cut I do not recommend. It is likely to end in frustration, poor results, and possibly expensive CAN-SPAM (compliance) fines.

Message Delivery

Reliable and consistent delivery of emails is probably the trickiest part of email marketing. Even the most legitimate, permission-based direct email marketing is likely to land in spam filters without professional help.

An autoresponder service spends 100 percent of their time and resources on understanding the latest email technologies and regulatory compliance. This is their value to the process freeing you to put 100 percent of your focus on the email campaign design and sales content.
A service provider can also add value by providing you the latest in email marketing tips, email conversion, and small business email marketing success strategies.

Reputation, Trust

Credibility, reputation, and trust are important concepts in any small business email marketing strategy. Giving your small business email marketing a professional look and feel can do as much for email conversion and response rates as the content itself. Simply, using a reputable autoresponder service like ConstantContact, iContact, or AWeber can increase credibility with the consumer.

Service provider strictly adhere to current rules and regulations around email marketing. Their services can help keep you on top of things like: opt-in requirements, appropriate company contact information, and unsubscribe compliance.

Making delivery on your email, building trust, and doing it consistently are integral parts of email marketing success. Outsourcing those duties to an email or autoresponder service is one of the smartest email marketing tips you can follow.
image credits to photobunny

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