Monday, December 22, 2008

A Video Marketing Plan... Are You Ready?

So, you have perfected your social marketing plan, have you? You’re involved in blogs. You have a network of like-minded internet associates you communicate with regularly. You’ve established yourself as someone qualified to speak on topics in your niche area of expertise. Now, you’re ready to just sit back and rest on your laurels, right? Well, not so fast. If you have done all those things, then you are proficient at using the web to drive traffic to your website and interest to what you are offering. But, are there other social marketing strategies you can employ to further enhance your reputation and drive further traffic to your website? Is a video marketing plan in your future? Read on to discover how using video marketing strategies might increase your web traffic tenfold.

Viral Video... What is it?

When most computer users hear the words virus or viral they cringe with bad memories of lost data, locked up computers and general havoc. But, if you create a social marketing strategy based upon the concept of viral video you just might be pleasantly surprised. By definition a viral video is one that is uploaded to a social networking site, like You Tube, and suddenly “catches on” with users there. One person spreads it by posting it, or a link to it, in an email to all his friends. Those friends love it and soon the video has spread exponentially, like a virus, all across the internet. And, guess what… time after time these popular videos are embedded with someone’s video marketing plan, that is, a link to their website or some other contact back to the creator of the video. So, by using social marketing strategies, a business or enterprise or entrepreneur will drive new contacts to his/her site. Viral videos often get thousands, even millions, of internet hits in just a few days. What about it? You could stand that kind of exposure couldn’t you?

Video Marketing Plan... Where do you start?
How’s this for a smart aleck answer - start at the beginning. No, that’s not really a wisecrack. It’s just a statement of fact. The first step of implementing your social marketing strategies is to have, or invest in, a decent video camera that you can use to create the newest and best viral video out there. No, it doesn’t need to be a $1,000 to $2,000 dollar camera that could produce theatre quality video. In fact, you might already own one good enough to do the job. If not, $100 to $200 will get you in the game quite nicely. Do a little homework. Get a decent camera capable of delivering quality internet video for a reasonable price. With a good camera, your social marketing plan is off to a good start.

In the next installment we’ll discuss how to make a viral video that will captivate audiences and send your video marketing plan to the top of the charts. Just keep in mind these few pointers as you begin implementing social marketing strategies.

* It’s free - Where else can you get this kind of exposure, at any

* It’s creative - Your video marketing strategies show who you are, and how
effectively you communicate your greatness.

* It’s fun - Seriousness is not the key of viral video… enjoyment is. A
video social marketing plan gets more results with a laugh than it does with a

image credits to Sherman Tan

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sanjay said...
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