Who are you? There are two means of identifying yourself that must be both carefully thought out and included in your Twitter profile to boost your social content syndication efforts:
Full name. Your name is the most important profile feature when using Twitter for social content syndication. It is your real name that is searchable by those who may not know your Twitter username.
Username. Your Twitter username should be an indicator of who you are and what you do. In 15 characters or less, your username should help your followers know your area of expertise, e.g. Iselltshirts (only if you sell t-shirts, of course).
Your name is your connection to the social marketing world. Make sure you take every step so anyone searching for you is able to find you, and follow you with ease.
More Info URL. Using Twitter for business is a practical move for syndicating your social content. However, you must take advantage of the URL field of your Twitter profile to make certain your social content makes its rounds. Use one of these addresses in your URL profile field:
Homepage. Naturally, you want to direct Twitter traffic to your homepage to spread your message in greater detail. Once your followers reach your site, you can promote your special offers and reveal your latest developments.
Blog. Redirecting traffic to your regular blog can extend the reach of your content and increase your audience.
Your homepage or blog is an extension of your professional self. Make sure your address is entered correctly by clicking on the link once it is posted to your Twitter home page.
One Line Bio. Here is where you can get creative. In 160 characters or less, you can give your followers a glimpse into your personality and your profession. Here are some suggestions about what to include in your one line bio:
Personal background. Let your followers know where you are from and how you got to where you are. Maybe share your education or previous employment history as a brief overview into how you got where you are today.
Professional objective. You may choose to be specific or general with how you present yourself as a professional marketer. Regardless of the path you take, avoid any text that is misleading or exaggerated.
Using Twitter for business is a user-friendly way to syndicate your social content without alienating your potential customers. With the limited space of 140 characters, your message must be genuine and appealing enough to generate a respectable following.
image credits to Peter Martin Photo